Isaih Dale

Graduate Instructor


B.A. San Francisco State University,

M.A. University of Wyoming 


Isaih Dale is a Ph.D. student and a recipient of a Presidential Fellowship at the University of Notre Dame. His research lies between studying black masculinity and racialized spaces in Early to Mid-20th Century black texts. He is interested in studying Du Bois's bourgeois theory of "double consciousness" in relation to all classes of African Americans and finding where black solidarity lies. Isaih also studies how, where, and why violence happens in black texts. He argues that black writers use violence to deconstruct white masculinity as part of a process of identity-formation that reacts to and itself constructs whiteness. Lastly, Isaih examines black textiles during American slavery particularly as it relates to the first formation of black slave identities. 

Scholarly Work


Select Conference Presentations

  • “The Black Male Utopic in Imperium in Imperio,” Midwest Modern Language Association (MMLA), Milwaukee, Wisconsin. November 2021.
  • "Master's Program as Uncommonplace: Navigating Differences of Race." Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC), Milwaukee, Wisconsin,. March 2020.
  • "A Fragmented Neurotic Being: Biracial Bodies in Nella Larsen's Passing," Midwest American Culture Conference (MPCA/ACA), Cincinnati, Ohio. October 2019. 
  • "The Immobility of Time and Liminal Memory in Marcel Proust's Swann's Way," College English Association Conference (CEA), New Orleans, Louisiana. March 2019. 
