Nicole MacLaughlin

Coordinator, Writing and Rhetoric Tutorial
Associate Teaching Professor, University Writing Program


B.A., Teaching of English, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 
M.A., Center for Writing Studies, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


Full-time in the University Writing Program since 2007, Nicole​'s passions are to study and teach writing as a form of ​individual and collective ​empowerment. Her ​current scholarly ​interests ​focus on ​reading-writing connections in composition pedagogy and especially on third-space approaches to teaching academic reading and writing as hands-on, practicable crafts.

Nicole is an active member of the South Bend community and is regularly involved with community-based writing projects. ​Most recently, she managed a project engaging faculty, students, and community members in writing the history of the Robinson Community Learning Center. In past community-based courses, Nicole's students have​ experience​d​ firsthand the impact of the ​performing ​arts on student achievement and social development, and, in cooperation with the Robinson ​Shakespeare Company, produce​d​ writing which helps sustain the organization and further its mission. ​

More recently, Nicole's pedagogy and scholarly work has focused on the development and implementation of The Writing and Rhetoric Tutorial, a supplemental, elective course where students in need of extra assistance can receive individualized instruction and coaching as they approach challenging reading and writing assignments across the curriculum. ​

​Since 2012, Nicole has served as a faculty advisor to Show Some Skin, a cross-disciplinary student writing and performance project which seeks to support diversity and give voice to unspoken stories about identity, marginalization, and difference at Notre Dame.

Nicole lives in South Bend with her husband, Daniel Graff, and their two daughters, Ellen and Elizabeth.

Scholarly Work

  • "Reading in the Studio: Taking Action in the Studio to Teach Disciplinary Reading Practices."  Accepted Poster Presentation, College Composition and Communication, Houston TX. April, 2016.
  • "The Reader's Apprentice: Unlocking the Magic of Disciplinary Reading Practices." Panel Chair and Presenter, International Writing Center Association, Orlando, FL. October, 2014.
  • "Going Public through Partnership: Basic Writing as a Nexus for Transfer, Advocacy, and  Activism.” Panel Presentation (delivered in absentia). The Conference on College Composition and Communication, Las Vegas, NV.  March, 2013.
  • “Re-writing the Boundaries:  The Ensemble Approach to Community-Based Learning,” Conference on College Composition and Communication. Atlanta, GA. 6 April 2011.
  • Paul Prior, Gail Hawisher, Sibylle Gruber, and Nicole MacLaughlin (1997). "Research and WAC Evaluation: An In-Progress Reflection." In Kathleen Blake Yancey and Brian Huot (eds.), WAC and Program Assessment: Diverse Methods of Evaluating Writing Across the Curriculum Programs  (pp. 185-216). Norwood, NJ:  Ablex.

Phone: (574) 631-3269
Office: 217B Coleman-Morse Center